Closing the Bones Ceremony/Massage
What is closing the bones ceremony/massage?
Well it is an ancient tradition which originated from Latin America, but is now seen all over the world in many cultures each of which has added their own touch but the basics are similar. In Ecuador it is known as 'La Cerrada de Caderas' It originated thousands of years ago when women were respected for their power and strength during labour and birth... Postpartum was seen as a time the woman required care and support during her healing process.
I am passionate about this process as I have seen first-hand how this can benefit women but also I spent the first 7 years of my life in Ecuador and later on when I was older a year, so I have a strong connection with their culture and traditions.
Closing the Bones is a gentle process using rebozo's(strong scarf) of rocking, massage and wrapping which can help with re alignment, increased blood circulation, nurturing of a mothers emotional health by helping her to feel safe enough to release any tension or emotions from the birth. It takes about 2 hours and involves a foot soak, rebozo massage, wrapping as seen in the photo here, then a peaceful rest. Following this there is time to discuss any emotions this may have brought up during the process.
By the way you can have this at any time in your life its not necessarily early postpartum!

Cost: £90 for one session
£230 for 3 sessions